Learning in, for and as democracy

The main aim of the project is to stimulate learning in, for and as democracy in an intercultural context. The set-up will be a two-year process of cooperation including Danish and Ukrainian students of higher education in pedagogics and related disciplines. The aim will be reached by facilitating an interplay of activities such as a seminar, web meetings, a conference and the production and discussion of a conclusive joint statement. Based on experiences from the two-year project-cooperation the joint statement provides initial recommendations for the development of learning methods and pedagogical research in Danish and Ukrainian contexts. It also stipulates steps to continue cooperation and exchange of ideas between Danish and Ukrainian youths in the implementation of democratic principles in learning processes.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University and is financed by Wistifonden and Velfærds- og Forskningsfonden for Pædagoger.


HEGNET: Et liv på flugt


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